Multiple Buttons Per Note
A sliding note can have more than one button. Push and toggle buttons can be mixed at will. A button can even be inside a note, effectively make it the note's close button.

Link To Notes From Anywhere
Sliding Notes to become 1st class World Wide Web citizens, accessible via URL. Share your notes freely, email links to them to friends, bitly-fy them and tweet them out... The possibilities are endless

Fresh & Sexy Look And Feel
Sliding Notes reborn, based on a totally new concept, featuring a fresh look & feel. Most notably: The dropping of the much disputed Powered By signature. Go take a glance, you'll like it.

Unlimited Skins
Skinnability and a multitude of visual styles under your fingertips. Why have one type of note, when we can have hundreds?

Sync Button And Note States
Button pressed state to reflect note expansion state. Keeping states in sync at all times. Voila: Toggle behavior cooked up.