Fresh & Sexy Look And Feel
One of the goals of the hackadelic renewal process is: “Get sexy“. Applied to Sliding Notes it means to rework the look & feel to be both, much sexier, and much more flexibly customizable.
In service of this goal, the first item on our road map is the revision of the “Powered by” signature.
This is not entirely by chance. The signature has been a detail of disputable (and much disputed) aesthetics. (Indeed, it clearly was not a masterpiece of art.) It will be dropped in favor of a smooth, much more blending facility, a carefully designed detail that’s unobtrusive while still retaining a touch of genuine branding.
Click on the image below for a sneak preview how the note may look like when it is open.
❗ BTW, “the image” above is actually not an image at all. It’s a browser-rendered snapshot of the demo app using HTML5 techniques. Which is why it’s a bit wiggly (but browsers will improve on this). It’s cool stuff anyway. 😉
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